Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hawaii Trip

Several of you asked for more details about our trip to Hawaii - so here you go!

Day One: Fly to Hawaii in the am. As many of you know, I am not a big fan of flying so I hadn't slept at all the night before we flew to Honolulu. So when we checked into the hotel, I laid down to take a nap. The next thing I knew, it was pitch black in and outside the room, Bob was sound asleep next to me and it was 8 o'clock. I remember mumbling to Bob something about dinner and then I promptly went back to sleep. I slept til 2 am. I think I was tired. So yes, we slept through our first evening in Hawaii - exciting, huh?

Day Two: We rented a car (the man at the counter asked if we wanted a convertible for the same price. How fast can you say yes?) and drove to the Arizona Memorial. We also went to the Swap Meet at the Aloha Stadium across the street for cheap(er) souvenirs. We then drove up to the North Shore, stopped at several beaches along the way and made a whole loop around the island before going back to Waikiki.

Day Three: we had the car again so we drove up to the North Shore again - there was a power line down in Kaawaa - so we drove up the same way we had the day before. Bob ate at another shrimp truck. Up at the North Shore there are a bunch of shrimp trucks on the side of the road.
You get a plate of bbq shrimp and rice smothered in garlic and butter. So yummy.

I am a big fan of the tv show LOST and if you are too, then you know they film the show on Ohau. We did some exploring and found the beach that they filmed the pilot episode on:

We also stopped at a place called the Pali Lookout. This lookout offers breath-taking views of the nw side of the island. It was gorgeous.

On our way back to Waikiki we stopped at the Punchbowl Cemetery where my grandmother and grandfather are buried, laid flowers and paid our respects.

Day Four: This was an in-town day. We spent the first part of the day hanging out in Waikiki and then swimming in the ocean. For a girl who grew up on the Washington Coast, swimming in the Pacific Ocean and not turning blue is a weird experience. That afternoon we went to Germaine's Luau. A bus picked us up in Waikiki and drove us out to the western coast of the island to the luau site. It was so much fun! Of course, there is an open bar and you get 3 drink tickets with your admission. It was good food, great entertainment and a lot of laughs. We would absolutely do that again.

Day Five: Bob played golf in Waikiki (yes, he loved it, but came back with a sunburn to match mine from the day before) and I got a massage and pedicure while he golfed. We then had dinner at a place called Hula Grill. As most places are in Waikiki, it was totally open to the outside and 2 stories up (right above Duke's Canoe Club) and just feet from the beach. I could have thrown a rock into the ocean from our table and not even had to try very hard.

Day Six: Bob's birthday - Happy 40th! After breakfast we decided to try to hike Diamond Head. When I was here with my mom 3 years ago, she and I only made it 1/2 up because neither of us like heights and the trail is cut into the side of the hill and only gets worse from there. This time, I was determined. However, it was in the high 80's and after only a little ways Bob and I were thinking we might not make it due to the heat (and the fact that neither of us are in fantastic shape) But I am nothing if not stubborn and we just took our time, stopped often to catch our breath and headed up. The worst part I think were the stairs. There are several flights of stairs to get to the top that make a StairMaster look like a warm-up. Needless to say, we did finally make it to the top. To our disappointment, there was no bar waiting for us at the top (the only place in Waikiki that doesn't have one) but a beautiful view that made the climb all worthwhile.

We then went back to Waikiki for another swim. For 10 bucks an hour you can rent a beach umbrella and lounge chairs. Yes please! Ahhh, this is the life!

That night, Sam Choy's for Bob's birthday dinner.

Day Seven: Home. One last breakfast at a restaurant with a view of the beach and then on a plane home. We arrived back in Seattle at 10pm to 52 degrees and clouds. A little different from Hawaii.

Overall, Bob and I had the time of our lives. Second only to our honeymoon, this was a dream vacation. Hawaii really was paradise.
The weather was in the 80's during the day with overnight low's of 75. We were very lucky to have such beautiful weather the whole week we were there. We spent most evenings on the beach (either at a bar or walking along the beach, or both!) and we think we managed to visit an ABC store at least twice a day. I dare you to go and not do the same!

Enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Kristine Rosenborg said...

Great pictures Shelly! I'm glad you guys had an awesome time and that the weather was kind to you! Welcome home to rainy June in Seattle!!!