Sunday, March 8, 2009


This is a documentary that Bill Maher made about religion. I freakin' loved it!!! Bill Maher is my new hero - this movie was funny and smart at the same time. I couldn't agree with Bill more in regards to organized religion. I, too, feel that it is detrimental to the progression of humankind. So many religions are oppressive to women, gays, the peace process and overall human understanding. I think what I loved best about the movie is that Bill is willing to admit that he does not have all of the answers and that it's okay to admit when one doesn't know what is out there, what happens to us when we die, etc. I only wish the movie had been longer and had gone further indepth about specifics in regards to the religions he discussed and was pondering. But, then it probably wouldn't have been as funny.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

I've been on a recent kick of reading children's books. My best friend recommended the Tale of Despereaux, which I enjoyed, but in the back of it there was an excerpt from Edward Tulane. I was intrigued and bought a copy on my lunch hour. I started reading it on my lunch hour and I finished it later that night at home. Obviously, it was a quick read and I loved it. It was touching and sweet. It made me cry! It is full of adventure, interesting characters and lovely illustrations. I have recommended it to several people I know.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I just saw this movie and it was really, really good. But as I sat there I couldn't help but think about life for poor people throughout this world we live in. There is a severe disproportion of wealth in this world and for some reason we accept this as a part of life. Why? Does Donald Trump really need a solid gold door? What about a nice oak door and the money he would have spent on his gold door went to charity?

But then it makes me look at my own life. I have a brand new cell phone and an iPod. We have 2 t.v.'s, 2 computers. I love Starbucks and buy coffee there several times a week. Should I give these luxuries up because I have so much more than so many people in the world have? I feel conflicted about this and don't know what the right answer is.

If you have a job and work really hard, or have a really good idea - then you earn a lot of money because you are rewarded for your hard work and/or intelligence. But when does it stop being just rewards and start becoming too much excess?